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Responsible and ethical sourcing standards

Businesses who need to demonstrate their sourcing of raw materials or their commitment to ethical labour practices can use these standards for certification.
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BES 6001 responsible sourcing

This standard upholds the responsible sourcing of construction products. The BES 6001 framework provides a holistic approach, from harvesting or mining raw materials to their manufacture and processing.

Explore BES 6001

BES 6001 responsible sourcing league tables

The Framework for Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products has certified products from over 60 companies so far. View all issued certificates here.

See BES 6001 certificates
BES 6002 ethical labour sourcing

BES 6002 ethical labour sourcing

This standard helps to make sure a business has ethical labour sourcing practices. BES 6002 enables companies to demonstrate their commitment to eliminating any possibility of trafficking or modern slavery in their supply chain.

Explore BES 6002