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Local Government data and insights services

Providing insights through data driven services to improve poor housing, tackle fuel poverty, target energy improvements and investment
BRE supports central

BRE supports central and local governments to assess the condition and performance of their entire housing stock. We have over 40 years’ experience in supporting the delivery of national housing surveys. This gives us access to an extraordinary range of data, and broad experience of surveying and statistically modelling housing stocks.

Our data and insights services

Our data and insights services

Read more about our data and insights services in housing survey, housing stock modelling and crime reduction and prevention.

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BRE is involved with developing the methodology of the English Housing Survey (EHS) as well as analysis, reporting and training surveyors.

Explore EHS services

Housing Stock Condition Database

BRE provides access to the Housing Stock Condition Database (HSCD) which enables local authorities to understand and monitor their housing stock.

Explore the HSCD

Housing stock modelling

Providing insights through data driven services to improve poor housing, tackle fuel poverty, target energy improvements and investment.

Explore housing stock modelling

Crime reduction

BRE provides independent and professional crime reduction and prevention services.

Explore crime reduction services
Housing Stock Condition Database explainer

Housing Stock Condition Database explainer



Alongside the BRE housing stock model, we offer various consultancy options. We can also offer bespoke consultancy services to meet your specific requirements.

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Private rented sector licensing analysis

Private rented sector licensing analysis

Our analysis can help to inform an independent evidence base for private rented sector regulation schemes such as the Additional Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) Licensing scheme. We provide:

  • Information on the private rented housing stock, property condition, deprivation and anti-social behaviour
  • Area-based approach to distribution of poor condition, deprivation and where this coincides with high proportions of private rented dwellings
  • Understanding of the likely location and condition of HMOs.
Enquire about licensing analysis

Private rented sector identification

This analysis helps to identify the private rented properties in your housing stock, using a range of data sources and innovative techniques. We provide:

  • Representative borough-wide sample used to inform tenure distribution
  • Whole-ward level analysis for wards with known high levels of private rented stock
  • Improved accuracy in identifying private rented sector dwellings across the area
  • Improved intelligence across the private rented sector
Enquire about private rental analysis
Private rented sector identification
Dwelling improvement scenario modelling

Dwelling improvement scenario modelling

To help you on your road to net zero, we offer strategic analysis of various dwelling improvement scenarios to examine the potential energy savings. We provide:

  • Estimated carbon, energy and cost savings
  • Insights to support strategic planning of dwelling-level energy improvements
  • Ability to identify for potential quick wins for targeting investments
Enquire about scenario modelling

Health impact assessment

Based on BRE’s research into the cost of poor housing and the BRE housing stock model, the health impact assessment HIA shows the effects of poor housing on its occupants. We provide a detailed report covering:

  • Assessment of housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) hazards
  • Estimated effects on occupant health
  • Cost of interventions to remedy hazards
  • Health cost benefit analysis of interventions including savings to the NHS and society
Enquire about health impact assessment
Health impact assessment
Strategic advisory

Strategic advisory

We work with clients on achieving net zero. Our advisory services cover decarbonisation, climate change, energy efficiency, resource efficiency, health and wellbeing, circular economy, renewable energy, retrofit. We provide strategic support and insight on:

  • The design and delivery of low carbon energy transition
  • Sustainable products, built assets and supply chain
  • ESG assessment and reporting
  • Holistic strategies and implementation plan beyond net zero
  • Making property, infrastructure, communities and services resilient to emerging issues.
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Online housing tools

Housing stock condition database data delivery tool

Cloud based delivery of all dwelling-level data allows you to summarise and query data by tenure and geographical level, create interactive maps, cross-reference variables, update dwelling data and integrate EPC lodgement data.

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Housing health cost calculator

This tool quantifies the health cost benefits of housing improvements, to the NHS and wider society, with a methodology based on “The Real Cost of Poor Housing” publication. It allows you to upload improvements to individual dwellings.

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Excess cold calculator

This tool support excess cold assessments and justifies measures to mitigate it. It can test various improvement scenarios and provides residential property tribunal hearing evidence. It also offers a heat loss calculator to assist with heating specifications.

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Train with BRE Academy

Train with BRE Academy

BRE Academy is the leading training provider for individuals and businesses for the built environment and offers relevant training courses in housing.

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