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BRE Global Standards Consultation

Consultations Page Description
An essential element in the development of BRE Global’s standards is open consultation with interested parties from outside BRE.
Consultations Details

Open consultations

LPS 1048: Issue 6.0

This Standard identifies the evaluation and / or testing practices undertaken by LPCB for the purposes of approval and listing of products and services. LPCB listing and approval of products and services is based on evidence acceptable to LPCB:-

  • that the product or service meets the standard;
  • that the manufacturer or service provider has staff, processes and systems in place to ensure that the product or service delivered meets the standard

and on:-

  • periodic audits of the manufacturer or service provider including testing as appropriate;
  • compliance with the contract for LPCB listing and approval including agreement to rectify faults as appropriate;

We welcome feedback from industry stakeholders to enable us to ensure that the revised standard meets the needs of the sector.

This consultation will remain open until 6 January 2024. We look forward to hearing from you.

Closed consultations

BREEAM In-Use International

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to all those who have participated. The draft standard is available for review along with a summary document of the proposed changes. The feedback and comments on the proposed changes from BREEAM In-Use Users is important as we seek to broaden BREEAM without increasing it’s complexity, making it more accessible and transparent.

The BREEAM In-Use update takes place at a particularly crucial time. The urgency of addressing the sustainability of our communities and buildings – particularly existing buildings – continues to grow. The BREEAM team are committed to ensuring that BREEAM continues to use the best research and science to set the standard and operate a certification program that delivers value and gives investors, owners and operators the information they need to make better decisions, manage risk and to communicate performance transparently.

We welcome feedback from all clients, users, assessors and stakeholders, and need your support to make the new version the best it can be. With so many sustainability, ESG & resilience challenges facing the real estate market right now, this is the perfect time to be involved! We look forward to hearing from you!


BPS 7014 Standard for Modular Systems for Dwellings

This BRE Product Standard (BPS) 7014 has been developed to provide a route to certification for offsite/modular construction for use as residential buildings.

The Standard sets out performance requirements in a number of technical areas. Some of the requirements are mandatory, such as for fire and structural performance, and are required to demonstrate regulatory compliance. Other performance assessments are voluntary. The requirements have been subject to detailed consultation with the Advanced Manufacturing of Homes Buildings and Infrastructure (AMHBI) project consortium and other industry stakeholders.

The consultation for BPS 7014 Standard for Modular Systems for Dwellings has now closed. Thank you to everyone who has participated by submitting comments.

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Asset Publisher

Please email the BREEAM team at BRE, We'd be happy to help you

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

A complete range of services covering all aspects of the built environment lifecycle.

Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC)

HHCC calculates the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been addressed. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and improvement strategies – and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated. HHCC requests information from you to produce a health and safety rating score which is used to enforce minimum housing standards under Housing Act 2004. Your data is stored and can be retrieved at any time free of charge. For subscribers, health cost data is provided for any or all hazards mitigated for a 12 month period. A number of authorities have used this methodology to carry out retrospective health-cost benefit analyses of hazards mitigated by their intervention, including Bristol, Plymouth, Great Yarmouth, Liverpool and Derby (see case study here).

View housing health costs

IMPACT® Methodology and Database


Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC)

HHCC calculates the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been addressed. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and improvement strategies – and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated. HHCC requests information from you to produce a health and safety rating score which is used to enforce minimum housing standards under Housing Act 2004. Your data is stored and can be retrieved at any time free of charge. For subscribers, health cost data is provided for any or all hazards mitigated for a 12 month period. A number of authorities have used this methodology to carry out retrospective health-cost benefit analyses of hazards mitigated by their intervention, including Bristol, Plymouth, Great Yarmouth, Liverpool and Derby (see case study here).

View housing health costs

Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC)

HHCC calculates the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been addressed. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and improvement strategies – and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated. HHCC requests information from you to produce a health and safety rating score which is used to enforce minimum housing standards under Housing Act 2004. Your data is stored and can be retrieved at any time free of charge. For subscribers, health cost data is provided for any or all hazards mitigated for a 12 month period. A number of authorities have used this methodology to carry out retrospective health-cost benefit analyses of hazards mitigated by their intervention, including Bristol, Plymouth, Great Yarmouth, Liverpool and Derby (see case study here).

View housing health costs

Please email the BREEAM team at BRE, We'd be happy to help you

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Feature Card Small List

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Feature Stack Small headline with no character limit which may look like this.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus. Nullam quis imperdiet augue. Vestibulum auctor ornare leo, non suscipit magna interdum eu. Curabitur pellentesque nibh nibh, at maximus ante.

Text Link

Feature Stack Small headline with no character limit which may look like this.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus. Nullam quis imperdiet augue. Vestibulum auctor ornare leo, non suscipit magna interdum eu. Curabitur pellentesque nibh nibh, at maximus ante.

Text Link
Feature Card Medium List

This is a heading

Feature Stack Small headline with no character limit which may look like this.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus. Nullam quis imperdiet augue. Vestibulum auctor ornare leo, non suscipit magna interdum eu. Curabitur pellentesque nibh nibh, at maximus ante.

Text Link

Feature Stack Small headline with no character limit which may look like this.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus. Nullam quis imperdiet augue. Vestibulum auctor ornare leo, non suscipit magna interdum eu. Curabitur pellentesque nibh nibh, at maximus ante.

Text Link
Feature Card Large List

This is a heading

Feature Stack Small headline with no character limit which may look like this.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus. Nullam quis imperdiet augue. Vestibulum auctor ornare leo, non suscipit magna interdum eu. Curabitur pellentesque nibh nibh, at maximus ante.

List subheading to support the list content
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
Text Link

Feature Stack Large headline with no character limit which may look like this.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus. Nullam quis imperdiet augue. Vestibulum auctor ornare leo, non suscipit magna interdum eu. Curabitur pellentesque nibh nibh, at maximus ante.

List subheading to support the list content
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
Text Link
Shortform Card Small List Grid2

This is a heading

Shortform Small Heading with 100 character limit which may look like this, lorem ipsum doler sit ame

Shortform Small Body with 400 character limit which may look like this, neque in egestas nec mauris arcu. Dapibus cursus sagittis ipsum ipsum amet mattis orci. Vitae malesuada et tincidunt enim tincidunt etiam duis. Tempus morbi in nunc nec etiam ornare at sit. Non amet vivamus nisl euismod nisl hendrerit potenti. Orci vitae dignissim elementum sagittis eget praesent. Nunc sed mattis et pellentea.

Learn more

Shortform Small Heading with 100 character limit which may look like this, lorem ipsum doler sit ame

Shortform Small Body with 400 character limit which may look like this, neque in egestas nec mauris arcu. Dapibus cursus sagittis ipsum ipsum amet mattis orci. Vitae malesuada et tincidunt enim tincidunt etiam duis. Tempus morbi in nunc nec etiam ornare at sit. Non amet vivamus nisl euismod nisl hendrerit potenti. Orci vitae dignissim elementum sagittis eget praesent. Nunc sed mattis et pellentea.

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Shortform Card Small List Grid3

This is a heading

Shortform Small Heading with 100 character limit which may look like this, lorem ipsum doler sit ame

Shortform Small Body with 400 character limit which may look like this, neque in egestas nec mauris arcu. Dapibus cursus sagittis ipsum ipsum amet mattis orci. Vitae malesuada et tincidunt enim tincidunt etiam duis. Tempus morbi in nunc nec etiam ornare at sit. Non amet vivamus nisl euismod nisl hendrerit potenti. Orci vitae dignissim elementum sagittis eget praesent. Nunc sed mattis et pellentea.

Learn more

Shortform Small Heading with 100 character limit which may look like this, lorem ipsum doler sit ame

Shortform Small Body with 400 character limit which may look like this, neque in egestas nec mauris arcu. Dapibus cursus sagittis ipsum ipsum amet mattis orci. Vitae malesuada et tincidunt enim tincidunt etiam duis. Tempus morbi in nunc nec etiam ornare at sit. Non amet vivamus nisl euismod nisl hendrerit potenti. Orci vitae dignissim elementum sagittis eget praesent. Nunc sed mattis et pellentea.

Learn more

Shortform Small Heading with 100 character limit which may look like this, lorem ipsum doler sit ame

Shortform Small Body with 400 character limit which may look like this, neque in egestas nec mauris arcu. Dapibus cursus sagittis ipsum ipsum amet mattis orci. Vitae malesuada et tincidunt enim tincidunt etiam duis. Tempus morbi in nunc nec etiam ornare at sit. Non amet vivamus nisl euismod nisl hendrerit potenti. Orci vitae dignissim elementum sagittis eget praesent. Nunc sed mattis et pellentea.

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Icon List

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  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
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  • Icon list item
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Bullet List

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  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
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  • Icon list item
  • Icon list item
Related Article

Related Article

Sub heading copy

Related Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this

Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this

test Example of body with 160 character limit and it may look like this. It truncates after reaching character limit or max-height whichever condition matches first.

Related Article Insights Button
Related Articles Head

Related Articles

Sub heading copy

Asset Publisher

update Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this


Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this


Example of headline with 70 character limit and it may look like this.

Related Article Insights Button
Related Case Study

Related Case Study

Sub heading copy

Article Card Small

Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this

Example of body with 160 character limit and it may look like this. It truncates after reaching character limit or max-height whichever condition matches first.

Related Case Studies Button
Related Case Studies Head

Related Case Studies

Sub heading copy

Asset Publisher

Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this

Example of headline with 70 character limit and it may look like this.

Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this

Related Case Studies Button
Related Page

Related page

Sub heading copy

Highlight Card headline with 70 character limit which looks like this.
Highlight Card headline with 70 character limit which looks like this.

Example of body with 160 character limit and it may look like this. It truncates after reaching character limit or max-height whichever condition matches first.

Related Pages Head

Related pages

Sub heading copy

Asset Publisher
Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this
Article Card headline with 70 character limit which may look like this
Text Link
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