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Expert witness services

Expert witness Page Description
We provide investigation, arbitration, dispute resolution and expert witness services from recognised fire, construction and built environment professionals.
Expert witness Details

When an incident, such as a flood or fire, affects business operations and leaves unresolved or disputed issues, we can help. We have a wide range of expertise across the entire built environment to provide investigation, technical arbitration, dispute resolution and expert witness services.

Our areas of expertise

We can offer our expert witness and related services in the following areas:


  • Cause and origin

  • Arson investigation

  • Assessing fire protection products to check they work as specified, including detection, suppression and passive protection

  • Assessing security systems to check they work as specified

  • Product defects and ignition sources

  • Fire development

  • Building performance

  • Assessing the adequacy of fire risk assessment

  • Assessing the adequacy of fire engineering design

  • Testing, reconstruction and modelling.


  • Performance of green energy systems

  • Air pollution and air quality

  • Flooding, planning and other housing concerns

  • Performance of heating, ventilation and cooling systems

  • Acoustic performance

  • Environmental conditions, ageing and corrosion

  • Groundworks, including subsidence, ground and structural monitoring, evaluating ground conditions and ground improvement.


  • Structural response to fire

  • Compliance with building regulations and statutory guidance

  • Mass and wind loading

  • Testing, reconstruction and modelling

  • Structural instability due to ground conditions.

Get in touch

Get in touch

For more information, call us on +443333218811, email us at or use the online form.

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