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Example of headline with 70 character limit and it may look like this.

This is a small description of max 160 characters. We understand the complexity of the challenges facing the built environment. The impacts of climate change in
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Do you need to verify the safety of your products or give the market confidence in a pioneering innovation? Our certification and verifications give you the confidence that your product’s claims are credible for the benefit of your customers. We are leaders in built environment safety testing and an independent, international certification body. We certify the safety of a range of products and services including fire, security, construction, environmental management processes and systems.
We rigorously test your product against published standards, and we can also develop bespoke testing for new, unique or innovative products
We use a thorough process that includes independent assessment and validation of the evidence you give us about your product, service, or practice. If your product or service passes the assessment it will be included in RedBook and GreenBook, our list of certificated products and services.

This is an introduction or summary. We understand the complexity of the challenges facing the built environment. The impacts of climate change, and the rapid need to address energy consumption and decarbonisation impact us all. Our purpose is to find solutions. We can guide and advise.

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