Tullgarnsbron bridge in Sweden earns Excellent BREEAM rating

Tullgarnsbron bridge in Sweden earns Excellent BREEAM rating

The new bridge over the Fyris river in Kungsängen district, near Stockholm, is an important link for local residents in this newly regenerated residential area.


The Tullgarnsbron bridge was built over the Fyris river, as an extension of the Kungsängs esplanade. The Kungsängen district was converted from industrial area to residential area and the bridge links the east and west sides of the river. The CEEQUAL (now known as BREEAM Infrastructure) sustainability assessment for the bridge gave a high score for water management in particular, awarding the project an Excellent rating overall.


Uppsala Kommun is the local government for the area.


The new bridge was designed to relieve the central parts of the city from car traffic, making a positive impact on the municipal climate goals for 2025 and 2030. The project also aided in the development of the public transportation system in the city.

The project was divided into five contracts, including construction of a new bridge, new alignment of the Ulleråker road, converting part of the existing Ulleråker road to a walk and bike path as well as rerouting of pipes and earthworks.

This contract (E01) included pipe rerouting, preparatory work in the existing street structure, as well as new stormwater facilities and reconstruction of stormwater and wastewater systems. The project is located in central Uppsala, along the Kungsängs esplanade and in its extension over the Fyrisån to connect to the Ulleråkers road.


Water environment

The project achieved 100% of points in this area.

Thorough handling of the risks of impact on the ground and surface water during construction included a control plan. The control plan covered, above following the permit, continuous checks of clouding in the river, amounts of water used, handling construction water with sampling and informing all project members in the importance of not impacting the ground and surface water. Strict handling of chemicals, tools and machinery made sure no negative impact on the river came from the project.

In addition to this, three facilities for sustainable storm water management were completed as part of the project. A macadam reservoir in one of the intersections, to delay storm water from the street and regulate flow. Curb wells and sand trap wells along the street were installed, letting water through, and catching larger particles. A new system for disaster protection was built as part of the project, replacing the old existing one. The new one is better designed to handle the amounts of water passing through it into the Fyris river, and includes a system for delaying flow, trapping oil and trapping sludge before releasing water into the river. The new system is also easier to maintain during operation.


CEEQUAL provided a good framework for sustainability, guidance in setting requirements for the design and construction and provided grounds for discussion and dialogue between the involved parties.

The assessment also led to a higher percentage of ECO-friendly products and fuels being used.

Summary Uppsala Kommun


Uppsala Kommun
Emelie Gyllenbreider & Emma Tooke, Sweco Jelena Boskovic, Peab
Nigel Sagar, Independent Sustainability Advisor
CEEQUAL rating:
Excellent (81.4%) – Whole Team Award
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