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BREEAM whole life performance

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BREEAM provides the tools and frameworks to empower asset investors, developers, owners and operators to make informed decisions for the lifespan of their building.
About BREEAM whole life performance

About BREEAM whole life performance

BREEAM has been created to take into account the whole life performance (WLP) of buildings - how a building performs over time.

BREEAM provides the tools and frameworks to empower asset investors, developers, owners and operators to make these informed decisions about the lifespan of their asset, and measure and report on these outcomes.

BREEAM supports whole life performance by:

  • Facilitating a complete circular journey for built assets throughout the entire built environment lifecycle.

  • Providing a holistic approach to sustainability assessment across environmental, social and economic impacts.

  • Providing a scientific framework to balance various goals and targets.

  • Helping you to identify performance gaps between design intent and operational performance to support continuous improvement in real estate performance.

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Whole life performance in context

Whole life performance is a key focus area for all built asset professionals. Decisions made at the design and construction phases of a building can have far-reaching impacts on the building’s overall lifetime from resource consumption, occupant health, asset resilience and resultant emissions.

By placing consideration of whole life performance and whole life costs at the core of decision making, we can create better performing assets with a longer lifespan. Evidencing whole life performance is also becoming a consideration for green financing options, giving lenders more confidence in their investments.

Whole life performance in BREEAM

Whole life performance in BREEAM

A BREEAM certification lasts throughout an asset’s lifespan, from its construction to operation and refurbishment. The assessment process and third-party certification provides assured performance and identifies continuous opportunities for improvement. The BREEAM schemes include sustainability assessment methods for:

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Newly developed commercial and residential assets with BREEAM New Construction.

Operational commercial and residential assets with BREEAM In-Use.

Refurbishment and retrofit for existing assets with BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-Out.

Masterplanning and communities with BREEAM Communities.

Infrastructure with BREEAM Infrastructure (formerly CEEQUAL)

Residential developments in the UK with the Home Quality Mark

Each BREEAM scheme is rooted in science

Each BREEAM scheme is rooted in science with a holistic approach to sustainability, so the criteria and outcomes are carefully balanced to drive performance across environment, social and economic impacts. The schemes are tailored to suit different scope of works, opportunities, challenges and KPIs relevant to that lifecycle stage.

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Train with BREEAM

Train with us to provide built environment sustainability solutions and learn how to support projects in achieving their net zero goals.

Our BREEAM training courses teach you how to use the world’s leading green building tool to achieve sustainability success. Millions of assets all over the world are registered with BREEAM and starting their journey to sustainability success.

Browse our BREEAM courses